Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's on your 'Stop Doing' list?

If I asked you what was on your 'To Do' list, you'd probably have no trouble rattling off a long list of tasks.

Consider this question instead: 'What's on your 'Stop Doing' list?'

It's a little harder, isn't it. Many of us could think of a few 'vices' we'd like to quit, or switch to doing in moderation, but what about a list of our top time-wasters?

Think about your habits at work. Make a list of all the ways that you fluff around (with the best intentions, of course), wasting time, energy and resources.

How many times a day do you check for new mail? How long do you spend 'perfecting' that paragraph? How much time do you waste looking for paperwork or emails that you haven't filed?

What are your particular 'knacks' for expanding the time you spend in the office?

Start today

If you could claw back 30-60 minutes each day by crossing items off your 'Stop Doing' list, how would you use the extra time?

Exercise? Coffee with a friend? Picking the children up early?

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